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Divya: A life changed forever

Divya - (Mission Fund, 500k)

At a small church meeting, Divya shared her testimony and her life before she met Jesus.

With tears streaming down her face, she told us of how she got married at 16 years old. Her husband was unemployed, abusive and an alcoholic. He sent Divya and their children away to live with her parents. Divya quoted him saying to her; “'I can leave you - but I can't give up the alcohol”.

She went on sharing about her deep discomfort around people, how she often was haunted by bad dreams and had a terrible itch all over her body.

It was at this low point, 18 months ago, a 500k missionary came to her community, and she put her faith in Jesus and cried out to Him for deliverance.

The nightmares, itching and alienation from others all resolved! From this place of freedom, Divya spoke to her husband and asked him to come to church - but he refused.

The 500k missionary encouraged her to not give up but to trust God and continue to pray!

After a year of persistent prayer, Divia’s husband agreed to join her. At this church gathering he was radically saved and his life transformed. He gave up alcohol, found a job as a labourer, and their marriage was restored.

What an incredible story of hope and restoration!

Now, 6 of Diya’s family members have been saved through her sharing the Gospel and her testimony, and 10 others in her community have begun the journey of salvation.

Christ is work - caring for the oppressed and restoring broken families.

Thank you for your support.

If it wasn't for the 500k missionaries reaching out to Divya; her and her family might never have known that there is hope, that God loves her and that Jesus died and rose again for her.

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